Jumat, 05 Desember 2008

First Time Home Buyers

Did you know that some purchase programs have different guidelines for First-Time Home Buyers? Some programs are designed to make your financing more affordable because it is your first home. Other programs will penalize you because you have never made a mortgage payment, and limit your financing.

A good mortgage broker/lender will spend extra time with a first time home buyer to make sure you are comfortable with the process. Here are some things that a loan officer will specifically need to ask the first time home buyer.

  • Is there rental history? How much higher will the mortgage payment be than the rental payments the borrower has been making?
  • Is there enough available monthly income for the borrower to make the mortgage payment, pay for taxes and insurance, repairs as needed and still maintain their other obligations?
  • What is the borrower's work history like? If the borrower is new is a recent college graduate, does their occupation relate to their field of study?

Some states and localities have specific assistance programs exclusively for first time homebuyers. If you qualify for one of these programs you might get a grant to pay for some or all of your closing costs or get reduced mortgage origination fees.

Work with a loan officer who knows the benefits and pitfalls that can accompany First Time Home Buyers. There are special programs out there for you, make sure your loan officer uses your first time buyer status as an asset, not a liability. Good mortgage companies works with first time buyers everyday, and understand the specific needs and challenges that accompany your first home purchase. It doesn't have to be a stressful process. Soon you can be on your way to owning your piece of the American Dream.

Home Mortgage Loans

Your home is one of your greatest assets and responsibilities. It is also one of the keys to growing wealth. Read about the various Home Mortgage Loans available, from purchases to refinances, home equity lines and construction loans.

Jumat, 28 November 2008


Latest Home Equity Feature

Advertising and the Home Equity Fiasco

September 09, 2008 - In the 1980s, financial companies set out to change the perception of second mortgages among the American public. Unfortunately, no one predicted just how expensive that endeavor would ultimately be.

Home Equity Loans Basic Series

A home equity loan allows you as a homeowner to get a loan by using the equity in your home as collateral. The equity consists of whatever funds you have invested in your property in order to own it or improve it.

Since it is a debt against your own property, which you are in actual possession of, a home equity loan is a secured debt. The property can be required to be sold if the creditor wants the money back that you have borrowed.

Home equity loan vs. Home equity line of credit

A home equity loan can be obtained in a lump sum or used as a revolving home equity line of credit.

A home equity loan can be either of the following:

A homeowner who requires more money in large amounts usually applies for a home equity loan. Some expenses that make a home equity loan useful are:

Tax benefits of home equity loans

A home equity loan is also beneficial because the home equity loan rate charged is usually tax deductible, as the loan is used for its primary functions. You can use our home equity loan calculator to check what various home equity loan rates will mean for your monthly payments. Always compare offers from several lenders and brokers to obtain the lowest home equity rate possible.

More information on home equity loans and rates

If you would like more information on home equity loan rates, and how to find the best home equity loan, please fill out the form above! Home equity loan specialists will get in touch with you to consider your options and see how a home equity loan can help you make the most of what you have.

There are several choices available for homeowners to free up the equity they possess in their homes.

Other Home Equity Resources

Home Equity FAQ

Home Equity Conversion Mortgage

Paying off Debt with Home Equity Loan

5 tips for wisely tapping your home equity

Millions of Americans are using home-equity loans and lines of credit for splurges. That's risky. But for better investments, these loans can make sense.
By Liz Pulliam Weston

Bankers love it when you borrow against your house. That's reason enough to be wary of home-equity lending.

Yet millions of Americans are buying lenders' pitches that our homes are a good source of funds for whatever our little hearts desire, from Super Bowl tickets to exotic vacations to investments in stocks and bonds. That lust for cheap cash has turned home-equity lending into the fastest-growing, and very profitable, area of consumer loans.

Mainstream home-equity lending soared 33% last year according to SMR Research, with new borrowing at nearly quadruple the level of just five years ago. The amount we owe on home-equity loans and lines of credit, $719 billion, now exceeds the balances on our Visas, MasterCards and other general-purpose credit cards.


kelainan ginjal Penyakit Gagal Ginjal Penyakit

kelainan ginjal Penyakit Gagal Ginjal Penyakit Gagal Ginjal adalah suatu penyakit dimana fungsi organ ginjal mengalami penurunan hingga akhirnya tidak lagi mampu bekerja sama sekali dalam hal penyaringan pembuangan elektrolit tubuh, menjaga keseimbangan cairan dan zat kimia Kelainan Ginjal Menyiksa Bujang “AYAH Ayah.. Sakit, Yah.. Aduuuh.. Sakiit”. Bujang mengerang. Bocah 11 tahun yang tinggal di kawasan Pangkalalang, Kecamatan Tanjungpandan itu seolah tak kuasa menahan sakit. Kelainan Ginjal Menyiksa Bujang “AYAH Ayah.. Sakit, Yah.. Aduuuh.. Sakiit”. Bujang mengerang. Bocah 11 tahun yang tinggal di kawasan Pangkalalang, Kecamatan Tanjungpandan itu seolah tak kuasa menahan sakit yang mendera hampir seluruh anggota tubuhnya. Gagal Ginjal Kronis Pada gagal ginjal kronis, gejala-gejalanya berkembang secara perlahan. Pada awalnya tidak ada gejala sama sekali, kelainan fungsi ginjal hanya dapat diketahui dari pemeriksaan laboratorium. Pada gagal ginjal kronis ringan sampai sedang, Penyakit Gagal Ginjal Penyakit Gagal Ginjal adalah suatu penyakit dimana fungsi organ ginjal mengalami penurunan hingga akhirnya tidak lagi mampu bekerja sama sekali dalam hal penyaringan pembuangan elektrolit tubuh, menjaga keseimbangan cairan dan zat kimia Gagal Ginjal Kronis Pada gagal ginjal kronis, gejala-gejalanya berkembang secara perlahan. Pada awalnya tidak ada gejala sama sekali, kelainan fungsi ginjal hanya dapat diketahui dari pemeriksaan laboratorium. Pada gagal ginjal kronis ringan sampai sedang, Medical Check Up Mengetahui gambaran hati, pankreas, ginjal, prostat, kandungan, serta sebagai pemeriksaan untuk mengetahui kelainan-kelainan pada organ misalnya adanya batu ginjal, batu empedu, sirosis hati.


ID Thieves Target Home Equity Lines

Have you checked your home equity line of credit lately?

If not, you probably should. Even if you've never used a home equity line of credit, or HELOC, it's a good idea to check your three credit reports (Equifax, Experian and TransUnion) to make sure identity thieves haven't opened one in your name.

According to the FBI, canny con artists are increasingly draining the equity of unsuspecting homeowners by tapping into their home equity lines of credit. The more equity you have in your home, and the less vigilant you are about monitoring your finances, the greater the risk that thieves could drain the equity from your home -- or worse, sell it out from under you.

In its annual mortgage fraud report, the FBI identified HELOC fraud as an "emerging scheme" that adds further insult to an already injured real estate and mortgage market.

The report calls the current housing bust the "ideal climate" for HELOC fraud and other fast-buck mortgage schemes associated with builder bailouts, seller-assisted financing, short sales and foreclosure rescue.

Identity thieves have traditionally targeted those with poor credit. In the past, by posing as homeowners, they could easily obtain subprime loans with little documentation.

But now that the door to subprime lending has slammed shut, thieves have set their sights on those with good credit and substantial equity in their homes -- deep pools of cash that can be easily tapped via a HELOC.

Sharks in deep pools
The FBI says HELOC thieves typically use stolen identification to apply online for a line of credit in your name. Then they instruct the bank to wire the funds to their accounts, providing their own contact information in place of yours. That way, the bank unwittingly contacts the thief to verify the electronic funds transfer.

Although the FBI does not track the dollar amount lost each year to mortgage fraud, incidents reported by financial institutions jumped a whopping 31 percent (from 35,617 to 46,717) in fiscal 2007, over the previous year. The sudden spike in HELOC fraud prompted the Mortgage Asset Research Institute, a Virginia-based organization that tracks mortgage fraud, to add identity theft as a category to track.
